20 – What is your Period Trying to Say?

PCOS Diva show

Summary: <div id="attachment_7716" style="width: 274px;" class="wp-caption alignleft"> <a href="http://pcosdiva.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/menstrual-cycle.jpg"><img class=" wp-image-7716" src="http://pcosdiva.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/menstrual-cycle.jpg" alt="Menstrual cycle wheel. Average menstrual cycle. Bleeding period and ovulation." width="264" height="282"></a><p class="wp-caption-text">Menstrual cycle wheel. Average menstrual cycle. Bleeding period and ovulation.</p> </div> <p>Nicole Jardim is a leading expert in the area of menstruation and women’s hormones.  During our interview, we explored her work addressing the root cause of period abnormalities.  Rather than simply treating or masking the symptoms, she strives to find the root of the irregularities and repair the problem naturally.  She gives practical advice about figuring out why your period may be irregular and suggests the type of proactive changes you can make to start ovulating regularly and get your cycle sorted out.  Listen in as we talk about:</p> <ul> <li>what is a normal period?</li> <li>what can your period tell you about your health?</li> <li>how and why to chart your cycle</li> <li>the relationship between estrogen dominance and your cycle</li> <li>the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our environment on your period</li> <li>is the pill a solution?</li> </ul>