Show 49 – Presentation Design and More with Boris Hristov

SQL Server Radio show

Summary: <a href="" target="_blank">Download Episode (mp3)</a> Most of us will have to deliver some kind of a presentation in our professional lives, whether it's inside the organization or at a conference. Today, we talk to Boris Hristov (<a href="" target="_blank">blog </a>| <a href="" target="_blank">twitter</a>) about this subject. You might remember Boris from <a href="" target="_blank">show 26</a> where we talked to him about Policy Based Management and Distributed Replay, but today he's in a completely different phase. Boris started a company called <a href="" target="_blank">356labs</a> that is targeted at helping speakers deliver better presentations. During our chat, we cover: * Why it's important to start presenting, and how to start doing it * How to correctly deliver a message during a presentation * What should you ask yourself before delivering a presentation * Why are images better at delivering a message * How to start a company and get clients * Many practical tips for presenting Items mentioned in the show: * <a href="" target="_blank"></a> * <a href="" target="_blank">Train the trainer series</a> * <a href="" target="_blank">pexels</a> * <a href="" target="_blank">pixabay</a> * <a href="" target="_blank">fontsquirrel</a> * <a href="" target="_blank">freedigitalphotos</a> About Boris Boris is the Founder and CEO of Presentation Design and Training Agency <a href="" target="_blank">356labs</a>. He has delivered sessions in 25+ countries and has not just once been rated as the top speaker of the event. Boris has numerous years of experience as a trainer and has trained companies like Microsoft and HP in topics like presentation skills and presentation design. The fastest way you can reach him is on Twitter where he writes under <a class="twitter-atreply pretty-link js-nav" dir="ltr" href="" target="_blank">@BorisHristov</a>.