The Data Science Behind HRV w/Dr. Marco Altini

The Elite HRV Podcast: Heart Rate Variability, Biohacking Health & Performance, Quantified Self show

Summary: Data analysis and statistics can be confusing or time consuming - especially HRV, health, or performance data. Dr. Marco Altini joins us to share some of the nitty gritty of how Data Science plays a role in Heart Rate Variability analysis and other types of quantifiable research and self experimentation. Marco is the lead data scientist at Bloom which is a pregnancy wearable technology company and he is the founder of HRV4Training - more details on his extensive background in wearable tech in the episode. -- topics listed below HRV Educational Resources: Leave a quick review: (Thanks in advance!) TOPICS: * 6:55 - About Marco Altini * 9:40 - How to increase confidence in your data for decision making * 12:20 - Confidently estimating for Individuals vs Populations * 14:30 - The difference in confidence between 3 morning HRV readings in a week vs 7 HRV readings in a week * 16:30 - Coefficient of Variation * 18:20 - The pros/cons of measuring HRV over months vs over weeks * 18:55 - Continuous feedback loops: How to make better decisions * 20:20 - How to capture acute changes in Heart Rate Variability * 21:01 - What is cross sectional data? Observational research & establishing causal links * 22:56 - What to do with “Longitudinal data" from multiple points in time * 24:46 - How to take cross sections and longitudinal measurements of HRV * 25:52 - The problem with “causality”. Increasing confidence, using Interventions vs Observations effectively * 27:22 - The fallacy of Heart Rate Variability snapshots and the power of new HRV technology * 29:53 - How bad it can be to take 1-2 data points with HRV readings * 31:22 - What is regression analysis and how do we use it with Heart Rate Variability? * 32:46 - Predicting HRV values for a person based on certain characteristics (age, gender, bodyweight, genetics) * 34:06 - Absolute HRV vs relative HRV changes * 35:36 - Is your HRV score good or bad? * 37:41 - Which variables affect HRV the most? A systematic look at exercise, sleep, alcohol, and other factors. * 41:21 - Why HRV responds differently to the same training by different individuals. * 42:46 - Quick and dirty Heart Rate Variability readings. How wrist-based HRV measurements stack up. * 46:06 - The accuracy of various HRV hardware * 48:46 - The price of admission for measuring HRV. The cost of a good heart rate monitor. * 49:55 - Why focus on RMSSD and Time Domain HRV values instead of Frequency or Non-Linear values? * 52:06 - The challenges of HF/LF and frequency domain HRV measures * 53:06 - HRV during pregnancy - third trimester drops in HRV * 55:06 - where to find Marco Altini (besides in the podcast show notes!) HRV Educational Resources: Leave a quick review: (Thanks in advance!) Guest: Dr. Marco Altini Host: Jason Moore --