The Prince of Winterfell | Game of Drones a dull dose of GoT to sleep to | Sleep With Me #180

Sleep With Me | The Podcast That Puts You To Sleep show

Summary: Two types of Princes will soothe your thoughts as your drift off to sleep. No nasty thoughts will poke you like a compass or a sharp piece of obsidian. No shouting about these infernal affairs will be a neccesary to keep the lamprey at bay. Ser Pounce, Tommen and the Gods will stand watch as your night will be long and full of rest. 04:43 Thanks 10:08 Episode Breakdown 29:09 Compass Ass 39:17 "The Little Prince" and "The Prince" 50:22 Lamprey as food fish 56:44 Infernal Affairs 01:01:46 Obsidian 01:08:02 Tommen and Pounce 01:20:55 Prayers of Aristotle Stevens aka "The Cat" Links