"The Climb" | The Only Game of Thrones Sleep Show | Game of Drones | Sleep With Me #210

Sleep With Me | The Podcast That Puts You To Sleep show

Summary: Sleep like the sweet, sweet Crone with the comfort of a mantra spoken calmly in your ear by Arya. No climbs up ice or ladders today, no isolation behind walls and no fires. Just sleep. And Tommen at a TJ Maxx, I think. 7:07 Thanks 14:17 Episode 36:26 Ice Climbing 44:19 How To Build a Fire 50:44 Pink Floyd's "The Wall" 59:06 Oliver Sacks on Hallunicantions 01:09:21 Mantras for Meditation 01:21:38 Tommen and Pounce in the "Cat in the New Clothes" 01:39:25  Prayers to Old Gods and the New about "Citzenfour"