Stepmother in Need of a Crisis or Impossible Goal | After The Glass Slipper S2E | Sleep With Me #218

Sleep With Me | The Podcast That Puts You To Sleep show

Summary: Like a bendy straw this intro is long and uh bendy. (Agatha intro at 20:19 story at 23:29) After we catch up and I apologize for the website and feed crash, the story will start. Agatha will talk about immoveable beliefs and then be immersed in the magic of the theater with some real magic and some super dullness. If you somehow stay awake then you might hear tears, not from a radish or a male milk maiden but from adult fairy children. Is that French being sung or some other sound. Who know and who cares, you should be asleep by then. "Lady Chatterly's Lover" by DH Lawrence | Movie Older After the Glass Slipper Episodes The Amazing History of the Bendy Straw @theatlantic How Are Bendy Straws Made @howstuffworks World Famous Straw Method of Storytelling by Edgar Straw Nuture and Nestle Scriptnotes Podcast with podcast heroes John August and Craig Mazin - Note my use of rigor might have been incorrect but Craig was correctly referring to a discussion by Chris Miller and Philip Lord Goodreads like "Lord of the Flies"