Brandon Funston and Dalton Del Don - NFL Draft Preview and Slow Starts In The MLB Season

Yahoo Fantasy Freak Show show

Summary: In today's episode of the Fantasy Freak Show, Brandon Funston and Dalton Del Don discuss the how certain NFL draft picks like Ezekiel Elliot can make a sudden impact in fantasy football. Brandon and Dalton also discuss the why Carson Wentz would be a better pick than Jared Goff for the Los Angeles Rams. Finally, Brandon and Dalton transition to fantasy baseball by discussing some of the star players that haven't panned out like Colton Wong, Joey Votto, and many more. #yahoosportsradio #yahoosports #yahoo! #fantasyfootball #fantasybaseball #nfldraft #nfldraft2016 #ezekielelliot #carsonwentz #jaredgoff #losangelesrams #larams #joeyvotto #coltonwong