Andy Behrens and Dalton Del Don - Bust or Buy Low for Matt Harvey, The Return of Yu Darvish, and Most Added Players Into Memorial Day Weekend

Yahoo Fantasy Freak Show show

Summary: In today's edition of the Yahoo! Fantasy Freak Show, Andy Behrens and Dalton Del Don start the fantasy baseball discussion whether or not buy low on Matt Harvey during his current slump. Andy and Dalton also talk about the return of Yu Darvish from Tommy John's surgery, and how he looks like a great starting pitcher in fantasy baseball. Finally, Andy and Dalton go over some of the most added players for the week in fantasy baseball led by Matt Adams from the St. Louis Cardinals, Leonys Martin of the Seattle Mariners, Jose Martinez of the Cleveland Indians, and many more! #yahoosports #yahoo! #fantasyfreakshow #mlb #fantasybaseball #mattharvey #newyorkmets #nleast #yudarvish #texasrangers #alwest #mattadams #stlouiscardinals #nlcentral #leonysmartin #seattlemariners #josemartinez #clevelandindians