TS Mid-Week Round Table 003 – Zellner, Bixenspan, McCarron talking Beadle, Barrett, Cruiserweights, Observer Hot Takes and so much more

Talking Sheet | Pro Wrestling & Wrestling News | WWE | Observer | PWTorch show

Summary: Joining Les Moore today is Kris Zellner of popular pro wrestling podcasts Between the Sheets &amp; Exile on Bradstreet along with David Bixenspan also of Between the Sheets and the SeScoops news site. Also joining us today is Rob McCarron of the Shake them Ropes Podcast and the Pro Wrestling Sheet news site.<br> Today’s discussions include:<br> Michelle Beadle Backpedal<br> Curating Cruiserweights for the WWE Network tournamnet<br><br> Wade Barrett waves bye bye<br> Vince J. McMahon Award of Excellence: Is it a work or a shoot<br> Raw Ratings DOOM vs CHANGE?<br> Titus O’Neill—Does the punishment fit the crime?<br> Sunny Porn (again)<br>