TS Mid-Week Round Table 005 – Zellner, Hales, Moore | Hogan/Gawker | Wrestling Gossip | Guess the Dirt | WrestleMania | Keller on Reigns Conspiracy | Future of Indies | TNA Status & more

Talking Sheet | Pro Wrestling & Wrestling News | WWE | Observer | PWTorch show

Summary: Joining Les Moore today are Kris Zellner of popular pro wrestling podcasts Between the Sheets &amp; Exile on Bradstreet, and Dylan Hales frequent contributor and host on the PWO-PTBN Podcast Network.<br> Today’s other discussions include:<br> Hulk Hogan vs Gawker Trial Coverage<br> Salacious tone to how the trail is being looked at<br> Will this sustain three weeks of coverage?<br> Dave Meltzer reporting innuendo?<br> Guess the Dirt<br> Lana has heat backstage again?<br> New Day vs League of Nation — Meltzer says it has a purpose<br> Lackluster WrestleMania Build-Up<br> Is WWE Roadblock stealing WrestleMania’s thunder?<br> Keller talks Triple H not being on team Reigns<br> How does Keller’s quote play in to Dylan’s Reigns Political Hit Theory?<br> Comparing the recent Ryan Clingman article on the danger of NXT to PWInsider’s Mike Johnson article on indy wrestling<br> TNA tapings finally scheduled, and how has TNA Mecca reacted?<br> The state and future of TNA<br> ROH, and whether they are facing a shocking surprise from NJPW<br>