TS Mid-Week Round Table 006 – Zellner, Hawkins, Bloom, Moore | WrestleMania Fallout | Raw Reactions | Meltzer’s Ryder Burial |EVOLVE | Reddit’s FalconArrow

Talking Sheet | Pro Wrestling & Wrestling News | WWE | Observer | PWTorch show

Summary: Joining Les Moore today are Kris Zellner host the Between the Sheets &amp; Exile on Bradstreet podcasts, Jeff Hawkins, co-host of the Shake them Ropes Podcast, and Sealia Bloom of Talking Sheet.<br> WrestleMania Coverage Reactions and Fallout<br> Alvarez &amp; Meltzer coverage blowback<br> Ryder burial<br> Consensus match of the weekend?<br> Raw coverage and reactions<br> NO MORE DIVAS – what does it mean?<br> Call ups that happened and didn’t happen<br> Speculation out of Raw…<br> AJ Styles vs Roman Reigns?<br> Steph &amp; Hunter returning?<br> Mike Johnson reports EVOLVE Changes<br> The Legend of Reddit’s Falcon Arrow<br>