082 – MLW Shake Up | Vince Russo Seeks Attention | Hugh’s Worst Nightmare | Cruiserweight Classic | Misunderstanding Stephanie McMahon | Sealia Reviews | Reigns Locker Room Apology | Cody Rhodes Excursion Theory | Heenan Twitter Faker

Talking Sheet | Pro Wrestling & Wrestling News | WWE | Observer | PWTorch show

Summary: The thrice are back to normal this week after last week’s celebratory merriment talking all the wrestling news of the week.<br> Konnan is out at the MLW podcast network, while Ric Flair is in! We talk about the challenges Konnan had in the past with co-host MSL, and about how cool it is that they’re leaving on good terms.<br> Noted attention seeker Vince Russo has gotten his wish this week, as everyone from Jim Cornette to Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson recently took the bait this week to rant about how awful he is again, prompting Les to ask: why do people who hate Vince Russo so much talk about Vince Russo so much?!.<br> We talk the latest on the upcoming WWE Roster Split, including a clip from this week’s Court Bauer and John Pollock show wherein Pollock articulates Hugh Little’s worst nightmare — but wait?! Has Hugh had a reversal of his thinking on what WWE could mean for the indies compared to his past stance?<br> Dave Meltzer has updates on comings and goings we talked about last week, including what the future holds for Ricochet, Moose, Kurt Angle and more.<br> The Cruiserweight Classic kicks off next week with Bracketology — we look at the upcoming tournament and talk about the exciting possibilities, plus run down the news from Dave Meltzer without spoiling the tournament!<br> Hugh gives his views of the week, including our upcoming trip to PREMIER WRESTLING later on this month.<br> Stephanie McMahon’s recent Business Insider interview has been severely mischaracterized by many in wrestling media, including Dave Meltzer and John Pollock, who have either missed the context of the interview being in a business trade journal, and outright misrepresent what she said about UFC stars losing.<br> Sealia runs down her week in wrestling coverage and viewing, including her reviews and recaps of two matches from the WWE 100 Greatest Matches book she received last weekend!<br> Finally, Les Moore caps off the show with a news read of some of the other stories making the rounds as of the weekend, including the mysterious Roman Reigns Locker Room Apology, the Cody Rhodes Excursion Theory, and the Bobby the Brain Heenan twitter account being outed as a fake!<br> Follow us at:<br><br> @ProWrestling – Les Moore<br><br> @SealiaBloom – Sealia Bloom<br><br> @HughLittleSheet – Hugh Little<br> Keep up with the show on <a href="http://www.facebook.com/SheetSandwich">Facebook</a> and on twitter @TalkingSheetPod<br>