DDOCast 463 - DDO Debates: Reaper Mode

DDOcast show

Summary: This week we take a look at the new Reaper Mode in our newest debate episode with Strimtom & Asheras! Have thoughts on this show, ideas for round table topics, questions youd like us to answer, or topics youd like to see us debate? Leave us a comment, send us an email (ddocast@gmail.com) or give us a tweet (@ddocast)! Check out www.ddocast.com for mp3 audio, our show calendar, swag, archives, and more! Want to support the show? You can feed the kobolds (give money) on our Patreon page (https://www.patreon.com/DDOCast)! We use these gifts to support the show and give out prizes. DDO Debates: Reaper Mode - 2:45 - What did they get right with Reaper Mode? - 3:29 -What did they miss on Reaper Mode? - 16:04 -Does Reaper Mode achieve its design goals? - 40:30 -Is Reaper Mode causing a bigger divide between players? - 56:32 -Is Reaver mode good for the game? - 1:05:17 -Pitch a new reaper! - 1:11:36 Game News - 1:14:53 Community News - 1:25:53 Lightning Post - 1:28:14 Closing - 1:43:34 Watch shows live at twitch.tv/ddocast DDO Chronicle 225 - https://www.ddo.com/en/news/ddo-chronicle-issue-225 DDO Gamer: Tower of Frost Review - http://www.gamergeoff.com/tower-of-excellence/