Thy Kingdom Come - The King Has Servants

Christ Community Chapel (Audio) show

Summary: God is the almighty ruler of the universe, yet he expects his servants (us) to carry out his will on Earth. The problem is that we are inclined to take care of ourselves first and foremost, rather than serving others. We could serve God because he is in a position of authority over all things, which is a good enough reason in itself. More importantly, however, we should serve him because we serve those who love us most, and God's love for us is unparalleled, even though we don't deserve it. So, what does serving look like? Jesus commanded us to go forth and make disciples, baptizing and teaching in his name. It isn't always easy and comfortable, but it isn't supposed to be. Take heart, though! Jesus said, "Behold, I am with you always," so be confident not only that you are loved, but that we act with the full blessing of the king when we serve him daily.