13121 Mozart: Mithridates, King of Pontus

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Summary: Mithridates, King of Pontus is a 3-act opera composed by the 14-year-old Mozart while touring Italy in 1770. The opera was an instant success being performed 21 times. Most musicians in Italy were very confident that Mozart’s opera would be a complete failure. How could any 14-year-old boy compose a successful opera, a feat that had taken other composers almost a lifetime to master? Now, like elsewhere in Europe, composers much older than Mozart, had become humbled and often enraged, at the overwhelming God-given talents of Mozart. To further add insult to injury, young Mozart composed the opera in the Italian Baroque style and this opera has since become the example by which other Baroque opera is measured by. Thus, Mozart not only composed the opera in the most popular style of the day, but also showed that he had completely mastered the style and could compose in this style far superior to that of his much older contemporaries. This performance is by the CMD Grand Opera Company of Venice and is available now at ClassicalRecordings.co Purchase now at: http://www.classicalsavings.com/store/p340/Mozart%3A_Mithridates%2C_King_of_Pontus.html #ClassicalMusicDiscoveries #PodomaticUnlimited #podcast #Mozart