Alex Dafner Yiddish Report “Collected Stories of Pinchas Goldhar”, the pioneer Australian Yiddish writer 12.2.2017

Hebrew show

Summary: Australian Jewish community leaders presented their case before the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights review of the Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and received an hour long intense hearing of their submission for the rete... (Australian Jewish community leaders presented their case before the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights review of the Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act and received an hour long intense hearing of their submission for the retention of the 18C section in its present form. The family of Australian soldier Greg Sher eh, who was killed in Afghanistan in 2009, were relieved to hear that Amirah Droudis, the girlfriend of Man Haron Monis, was sentenced to 44 years jail for the murder of Monis ex-wife, because Monis and Droudis had sent dispicable hate letters to them and other families of ADF killed soldier, just after their deaths. The Australian ambassador to Israel, Dave Sharma chaired a meeting of Asia-Pacific ambassadors in Israel, together with the Israeli President Reuven Rivlin, during which they affirmed their countries support of Israels right to exist in peace and security and praised the countries achievements since its independence. The Collected Stories of Pinchas Goldhar, the pioneer Australian Yiddish writer, who wrote stories about Australian Jewish immigrants in the 1930s and '40s, and which have been translated into English, will be launched this Sunday at the Kadimah in Melbourne. Anns: The Kadimah proudly presents the launch of The Collected Stories of Pinchas Goldhar: A pioneer Yiddish writer in Australia. Goldhar was the literary voice of his generation, the "New Australians, as well as a leading cultural and social commentator. Arriving in Australia in 1926, he was the first to publish a Yiddish literary book, the first editor of a Yiddish paper, the first Yiddish writer to be included in Australian anthologies and the first to translate Australian writers into Yiddish. This important collection of stories (including some never published), about Australian Jewry in the 1930s and '40s, has been translated into English by Serge Liberman and published by Hybrid Publishers. The book will be launched by Arnold Zable, with guest speaker Professor Bill Rubinstein and readings in Yiddish and English by Danielle Charak OAM and Jack Unikowski, with songs presented by Freydi Mrocki and the Mir Kumen On Yiddish Choir. This is a FREE event.  )