Rob Kirby, Bix Weir & Chris Waltzek Ph.D.


Summary: Feb. 17, 2017 Featured GuestsRob Kirby and Bix Weir Please Listen Here Show Highlights Making his debut show appearance, Bix Weir of RoadtoRoot-A discusses his silver market research efforts. Due to financial derivatives and sophisticated algorithms, the Fed / Treasury control the PMs markets. The former Head Chairman, Sir Dr. Allen Greenspan wrote the first Root-A program at the Fed. Bix Weir claims that Dr. Greenspan's programs underpin the PPT manipulation schemes. Fans of the hit USA Network TV series, Mr. Robot may draw parallels between the protagonist, Elliot Alderson.While many researchers claim the Comex gold / silver is 100:1, our guest identifies a more accurate figure of 2,000:1 paper to bullion. The resulting non-transparency will eventually be embraced by investors, sending the metals to their natural equilibrium levels. The true silver supply situation implies a substantial value opportunity - although the gold / silver ratio is near 70:1, the empirical ratio is 1:1.The market could approach a chaotic tipping point - in 2016 100 billion paper ounces of silver were traded although only 50 billion ounces were ever mined! The LBMA claims over 129 billion ounces traded; a mathematical impossibility resulting from paper money schemes. Both guests this week agree with the host that the US Treasury operates under the table, vis-à-vis the PPT to subdue the PMs. All silver ETFs and proxies remain mere proxies based on the fractional reserve system, magnifying the investment risks associated with rehypothecation. The resulting threat to the global financial system is many times larger in scale / scope than the combined impact of MF Global, Bear Stearns and Lehman. Bix Weir plans to hold silver until market manipulation ends.A convincing case is made for 1:1 gold / silver making the theoretical value of silver is at least $1,300+, a 100 fold relative discount to current prices. Similar to the tragic water reservoir failure currently unfolding in California, Rob Kirby of Kirby Analytics identifies extreme risks to the financial markets. Even the mainstream press is starting to acknowledge the risks posed by market manipulation schemes, in particular, in the PMs sector. Bitcoin GBTC is one of the few remaining de facto free markets, for the most part, as institutions have few short-selling options available. As enticing as Bitcoin appears on paper, threats to the blockchain structure could lead to an exodus of funds into the PMs. Evidently, 3 fold the annual gold production was sold in the market during the US Presidential election, evidence of market manipulation on a grand scale. Our guest proposes that the US Treasury is operating vis-à-vis the Exchange Stabilization Fund / PPT, to subdue the PMs to maintain US dollar hegemony. Policymakers are slowly recognizing that Bitcoin and related alternatives represent a modern example of Gresham's Law. Bitcoin is emblematic of the end game of the neo-Keynesian economic system. Will the fiat currencies eventually succumb to Bitcoin, the only unencumbered currency in circulation? Rob Kirby suggests that the rise in popularity of Bitcoin stems directly from global distrust of central banking operations.Show HostChris Waltzek Ph.D.  About ChrisContact