Bob Hoye & Andy Schectman


Summary:  Feb. 24, 2017 Featured GuestsBob Hoye and Andy Schectman Please Listen Here Show Highlights Top money manager, John Ing recently presented to China his forecast for $2,200 an ounce. Our guest is bullish on gold, in the LT. Bob Hoye notes that during every previous post bubble contraction, the real price of gold has ascended, making the PMs a solid portfolio asset, today. Although the Greenback remains relatively strong, eventually the senior currency will be overcome by an inflationary economic maelstrom. The concept of sentient robots / computers has lingered for over 100 years - from Asimov, Frank Herbert and Arthur C. Clarke to Philip K. Dick. The concept of intelligent machines has enthralled readers and moviegoers alike.TV shows such as Person of Interest as well as the UK drama, Humans 2.0 put a modern spin on the issue. IBM's Deep Mind A.I, Alpha-Go defeated the world's Go Grandmaster, an event not expected for at least 10 years. At the core of Deep Mind is a general purpose expert system; basically the program runs simulations. Takeaway point: by allowing the A.I. to learn like a child via trial and error the general purpose A.I. is applicable to any situation. General purpose A.I. appears to be on the cusp of crossing the threshold (note: purely speculative) into the realm of sentient A.I.s. It is conceivable that just such a new life-form may be already live in the Deep Net, saving Bitcoins and establishing a virtual safe world for its digital progeny. Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin Institute ($6 billion in sales) outlines why every investor should diversify their PMs holdings via an offshore account. In 1933, President Roosevelt announced an executive order designed to confiscate gold that included at $10,000 fine. The gold / silver ETFs are a modern equivalent to the executive order, indirectly confiscating the capital that would otherwise be directed to physical PMs. The ideal alternative involves PMs ownership outside the USA via Brinks-Canada, a trusted / respected name in secure storage. Miles Franklin negotiated a one-of-a-kind, fixed rate structure with 100% separate accounts as an added layer of safety. Key point: Miles Franklin holds all client PMs and or cash in a large Brinks security box, which makes it fully insured and non-reportable to authorities. The next Big Thing, appears to be The Internet of Things (IoT), an emerging technology that facilitates communications among virtually all devices.IoT is poised to eclipse the growth of mobile phones, computers, laptops and the internet - a related ETF SNSR could capture much of the potential. Show HostChris Waltzek Ph.D.  About ChrisContact Right click above & "Save Target As..." to download. To learn more about software needed to play the above formats, please visit the FAQ.