004: What is Your Why?

Show Your Scars show

Summary: What is your why? Figuring out why you are doing is so important: it helps motivate you daily, make decisions to help you get to your end goal, and refocusing your mind on what is important in your journey back to full health. Get an expo marker and write your why on your mirror. DO IT! Believe me, you won’t regret looking at this every morning and remembering why you are working back to full health. After you do that, take a picture of it and tag @showyourscarspodcast on instagram with the #mywhy. We want to share these with the whole community so we can support one another. Want more? Here is a good book about why you should Start With Why **Apologies for the small editing issue around the 2 minute mark. I’m still learning and trying to make this the best it can be, I will get better thanks for sticking around with me.**