SWENext Engineering Future Engineers

Diverse show

Summary: <p>According to the US Department of Labor, women currently make up 7% of mechanical engineers. Early on in her career, Dr. Beth Holloway was one of them.</p> <p>Now Assistant Dean of Engineering for Undergraduate Education at Purdue University, Dr. Holloway is also the Director of the Women In Engineering Program which is the first of its type nationally. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education, all from Purdue.</p> <p>SWENext is a great way for students aged 18 years and under to get involved in the Society of Women Engineers. We asked SWENexters to submit their questions for Dr. Holloway, who spoke about the engineering profession, the college application process and how to prepare for life as an engineering undergrad. And her advice on applying for scholarships is not to be missed!</p>