Episode 5 – Quick Episode

Pantsuit Republic show

Summary: <p>Hello all! This week’s episode is very quick, just a summary of the news and a few Calls to Action.</p> <p>If YOU or someone you know is interested in <em>running for local office here in Texas</em>, PSR can help! Please contact candidates@pantsuitrepublic.com. One such member is <strong>Emery Betts</strong>, who running for Mansfield City Council Place 7.</p> <p>Campaign website: https://bettsforcouncil.nationbuilder.com/</p> <p>Facebook campaign page: https://www.facebook.com/bettsforcouncil/?ref=bookmarks</p> <p>Donation page: https://bettsforcouncil.nationbuilder.com/donate</p> <p>Club for Growth Survey for Ted Cruz: http://clubforgrowth.org/ted-cruz-tax-survey</p> <p>Donate to Human Rights Campaign here: https://give.hrc.org/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=1954&amp;ea.campaign.id=51848 OR buy some of their merchandise here: http://shop.hrc.org/donate/hrc-donation-starting-at-5.html</p> <p>That’s all for now! Pantsuit On!</p>