How to Achieve More with Less & What You Need to Know About Cars

Something You Should Know show

Summary: Some things you swear are true – just aren’t. For example, you’ve heard that sugar causes hyperactivity in children, right? Or that you should never touch a baby bird or put it back in its nest because the mother will smell your scent and abandon the baby –yes? Both not true. And just two of the several myths I will explode right at the top of this episode of the podcast. Also, some of the best business stories start in a garage or they start with someone who has $10 in his or her pocket and somehow builds an empire. While they make for great stories, is there really some benefit to starting things on a shoe string? Is less really more? Listen to my guest Scott Sonenshein, author of STRETCH: Unlock the Power of Less and Achieve More Than You Ever Imagined. He makes the case for less – because the results are better and the satisfaction is greater. If you are in the market for a car, there is no one smarter on this subject than Jack Gillis, author of The Car Book 2017. Every year, Jack rates and reviews virtually every model of new car on such things as safety, reliability and comfort. And in our discussion he talks about the future of cars – particularly the driverless car. You will really enjoy and appreciate what he has to say. And when you go to kiss someone you must turn your face left or right. And it turns out the direction you go depends on who you are kissing. I’ll explain all this in today’s episode.