540: Michael Flynn Resigns as Media Sharks Smell Blood in the Water

The Jason Stapleton Program show

Summary: Once again the media has taken a non-story and turned it into a scandal. Here's the short of it. Flynn as committed no crime. He was cleared by the FBI of any potential issues as it relates to his conversations with the Russian Ambassador. He DID, however, tell the Vice President that he had not discussions regarding Russian sanctions, a statement that was later proved to be false. So, Flynn is guilty (at worst) of lying to the Vice President, and that assumes it was, in fact, a lie and not merely a misstatement. I find it hard to believe the former national security advisor would intentionally lie to the Vice President especially considering he had done nothing wrong. Naturally, we don't know the whole story, but we do know this is, at worst, a minor controversy involving internal White House communications. It hasn't stopped the media from blowing this story up into a full-fledged frenzy. I'll lay out the truth for you on the show today, and We'll also talk about some creative ways to pay for education that doesn't involve taxes. Great show today, don't forget to share! Jason