Episode #834: The New Phil Hendrie Show

The World of Phil Hendrie show

Summary: Coach Vernon Dozier watched the Patriots win the Super Bowl while he looks ahead to a summer of working in a sandwich shop. Whoopee-doo. Chef Chodillia makes cucumber salad with a "wad" of sour cream. Jack Armstrong reviews Sunday's game. Bob Green's v.p. of operations, Candace Archeboni, is getting all the press and Bob feels ignored. The BSP Classic Hour is from September, 2001. RC Collins spots Osama Bin Laden at Blockbuster Video Store. Sign up for a Backstage Pass and enjoy a 20,000 plus hour archive, Phil's new podcast, Classic podcasts, Bobbie Dooley's podcasts, special live streaming events and shows, Saturday Cinema, Friday night chat, and oh so very much more... Sign up now at PhilHendrieShow.com!