13 Jeremiah 32:1-15 Is hope for real?

Wednesday in the Word with Krisan Marotta show

Summary: For many people today, religious hope is a fairy tale. They see no difference between believing in Jesus Christ and believing in Santa Claus. In Jeremiah's day, with the Babylonian army threatening their border, Jerusalem was a place with little hope. To teach His people that hope is real, the Lord told Jeremiah take perhaps the most ridiculous action anyone could take - unless hope is true. Series: Questions Jeremiah Answered For more information: WednesdayintheWord.com Many thanks to Reggie Coates of Heartfelt Music & Ministry for graciously providing instrumental guitar music for our podcasts! Your written iTunes reviews encourage me and they help other people find the podcast. If you have been blessed by this podcast, please write your own review on iTunes, and share this podcast with a friend. #JeremiahAnswers