Federal Appeals Court to Hear Arguments on Trump's Immigration Order

TheStreet TV show

Summary: A broad coalition of states, business leaders and former cabinet members joined together in urging the judges to keep President Donald Trump's immigration order ban on hold. A Federal Appeals Court will hear arguments both for and against lifting the stay on the order put in place by a Washington judge. A decision is expected later today. Meanwhile, Democrats have staged a 24 hour blitz against Trump's Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos. They are trying to convert one more republican over to their side to derail her confirmation. The current vote count indicates she will be approved by the slimmest of margins with Vice President Mike Pence casting the tie-breaking vote. BP reported annual earnings that were the lowest in 10 years. The Wall Street Journal reports the British oil giant also said the company now needs oil prices of about $60 a barrel to balance its spending with cash flow, up from the $50-$55 a barrel they had indicated last year.