61: If Martin Luther Was Antisemitic, Why Do You Praise Him?

Theology For the Rest of Us | Quick Answers to the Questions About God and the Bible show

Summary: <br> <br> Throughout the course of the podcast's history thus far, Kenny has mentioned, quoted, and even praised Martin Luther several times. However, history tells us that Martin Luther was extremely combative. In addition, there is some evidence that he held to some antisemitic views.<br> <br> If this is the case, why quote from his works? And more importantly, why praise him at all? In this episode, Kenny explains why Martin Luther is worthy of the praise he is often given, but Kenny also clearly outlines the areas where Luther was flawed; and Kenny makes no attempt to condone or justify Luther's negative words about the Jewish people. Kenny clearly condemns any antisemitic sentiments Luther may have embraced.<br> <br> Kenny points out that Luther was profoundly flawed, as all humans are flawed. However, Kenny also points out that Luther was still profoundly used by God. This is the evidence that God is gracious, choosing to see beyond our flaws, using us for His glory in profound ways, despite our own profound weaknesses and flaws.