Star Stuff Series 19 Ep. 2 - Most powerful supernova explosion ever seen?

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary show

Summary: Welcome to Ep.2 of Series 19...thank you for your continued support. In this episode: North Korea fires a shot across the world's bow North Korea has launched a rocket into space sparking global condemnation and growing fears over Pyongyang's ever expanding nuclear weapons program. Pyongyang claims the rocket was carrying a scientific satellite, but the rest of the world is concerned the rocket was testing ballistic missile technology for nuclear weapons delivery systems. Most powerful supernova explosion ever seen Astronomers have detected what they think is the most powerful stellar explosion ever seen -- a massive supernova -- twice as powerful as anything previously recorded. the huge blast was 200 times more powerful than the average supernova, 570 billion times brighter than our Sun, and 20 times brighter than all the stars in our Milky Way Galaxy combined. NASA warns of asteroid threat NASA is keeping a close eye on a 30 metre asteroid which is expected to come awfully close to Earth next month. The space rock named 2013-TX68 could pass just 17,700 kilometres above the planet's surface on March 5th, lower than the orbits of many satellites. China launches new navigation satellite China has launched a Long March 3C rocket carrying another member of Beijing's Beidou satellite navigation system. As well as providing navigation services for Beijing, the new satellite also features a particle detector to study the space environment around its orbit. Europe laser communications satellite launched A Russian Proton rocket has successfully blasted into orbit carrying a new telecommunications satellite equipped with a laser communications system. The new European Data Relay System will provide emergency services with near real time data relay services improving maritime surveillance and disaster response times. Subscribe @ itunes, Stitcher, audioBoom, Pocketcasts or any good podcatcher site. Visit it our website at #space #NASA #StarStuff #astronomy #NorthKorea #supernova #science