Confirmation that Tunguska was caused by asteroid airburst - SpaceTime with Stuart Gary Series 19 Episode 71

SpaceTime with Stuart Gary show

Summary: Stream episodes on demand from or (both mobile friendly). Hi...Stuart here with the Show Notes for Series 19 Episode 71. For enhanced Show Notes, including photos to accompany this episode can be found at *Confirmation that Tunguska was caused by asteroid airburst Scientists have finally confirmed that an asteroid caused the Tunguska impact event in 1908. The findings reported in the journal Planetary and Space Science are based on tiny mineral samples of debris from the Tunguska impact zone that are absolutely characteristic of a meteorite. *Giant cannonballs seen shooting from star Astronomers have detected mysterious superhot balls of plasma -- each almost the size of Earth -- being ejected near a dying star. The plasma blobs are moving through space at some 770 thousand kilometres an hour -- so quickly they could fly from the Earth to the Moon in just half an hour. *Australian NBN satellite launched Sky Muster 2 the second of two new NBN telecommunications satellites has been successfully launched into orbit aboard an Ariane 5 ECA heavy lift rocket. Arianespace mission number VA231 blasted off into late afternoon skies from launch complex ELA-3 at the European Space Agency’s Kourou space port in French Guiana. *New Shepherd flight test success Blue Origin have successfully tested the launch abort escape system for the company’s New Shepard rocket. The test was the fifth flight for the New Shepard vertical take-off and vertical landing spacecraft which is designed to take passengers and scientific payloads on sub orbital ballistic flights to altitudes of over 100 kilometres or 328 thousand and 84 feet -- the official start of space. Subscribe, rate and review SpaceTime at iTunes, audioBoom, Google Play Store (US only...sorry), Pocketcasts, Podbean, Stitcher, Tunein Radio, Radioline or any good podcatcher app. Email: Join our mailing list at For more, follow SpaceTime on Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, YouTube, Google+ and Clammr: Facebook: @spacetimewithstuartgary twitter: @stuartgary Tumblr: Google+: YouTube: Clammr: If you're enjoying SpaceTime, please help out by sharing and telling your friends. The best recommendation I can get is one from you. Thank you... #astronomy #space #technology #science #news #tunguska