Country Music trio The Chalks visit the studio, Gabe fails a citizenship test, Reggie gets married

The Katie Halper Show show

Summary: On this episode of The Katie Halper Show we are visited by The Chalks, the country music trio comprised of Judeen, Judelle and Belva Chalk, who were born and raised in Boggy Depot, Oklahoma. They give Gabe a citizenship test, and the results are not good. Plus, you'll never guess who's married! If you haven't already, please subscribe to The Katie Halper Show on itunes, rate and review us (it takes 10 seconds) and support us and WBAI with a donation. You can even get a signed CD from the Chalks, "Three Girls, Three Guitars, and Three Chords" right here! or the Katie Halper Comedy Bundle, which is a great deal and includes the Chalks CD AND a comedy DVD from Ted Alexando, Julie Goldman and Justin Williams!