The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist

Cornerstone Chapel - Video Podcast show

Summary: The last half of the book of Daniel (Ch.7-12) is a prophetic journal of visions and dreams that Daniel receives from God concerning the End Times. Specifically, in chapters 7-8 we are introduced to a charismatic, political leader who will emerge to rule the world, known elsewhere in the Bible as "the Antichrist." His leadership will come from a 10-Nation Confederation which will yield power to the Antichrist as a world dictator. At first he will be a man of "peace" and even help the Jews to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem with a 7-year peace agreement. But half-way into that peace agreement, the Antichrist will reveal himself for who he truly is-a man empowered by Satan who will oppose God and everyone associated with him. In fact, whoever does not worship the Antichrist will be killed. Join us for today's Bible Study as Pastor Gary shares about the future Mission, Motive, and Misfortune of the Antichrist.