Episode 81: Japan Top 10 May 2015 Artist of Month: 板野友美

Japan Top 10 (日本のトップ10) JPOP HITS! show

Summary: For this month’s artist of the month, we’ll be featuring the top 5 songs from the former AKB48 member, Tomomi Itano, as a listener request! Host: Shane Shane will now be hosting the artist of the month countdowns released on the first day of each month and he will depart from his current position on the regular episodes. Now in lieu of his departure, we have a “new” host coming in the next regular episode set to be released in less than 2 weeks. Who is this person? We’ll have to see. In the meantime, visit our website at http://jtop10.jp/ to find out more information about all the changes to our show and fill out our quick survey that allows us to better know more about you guys and what you guys want from the show!