7 Steps to Growing Your Business

Accelerate Your Business Growth show

Summary: On this high-content show, you’ll discover the shortcuts and the exact steps you need to use to break through the self-imposed barriers currently stopping you from growing a successful and profitable business. Learn about the 4 major barriers to reaching your potential in business Discover the #1 habit that will position you to double your revenue in a month The 3 things that are critical to the success of any entrepreneur What you can do next to implement this information My guest will be Pat Mussieux. Pat is a business coach, an acclaimed international speaker, and author and radio host, and founder of Wealthy Women Leaders. Pat has been named, numerous times, as one of the Top 100 Women Entrepreneur Experts to follow on Twitter, is the author of “Who Am I Now?” and “Leadership Gurus Speak Out.” Along with her private coaching practice she leads a number of different mastermind groups, and retreats for women in business. Today's show is sponsored by WIN Cleveland. WIN Cleveland is an organization that empowers female professionals by creating new access points for individual business development. They support one another by providing continual professional growth, sharing a wide variety of ideas and resources and assisting select women-based charities within their community. Visit www.wincleveland.org for more information.