LinkedIn and Twitter as Biz Development and Engagement Tools

Accelerate Your Business Growth show

Summary: There's lots of buzz around social media marketing. The question of the hour is: How do you quantify ROI of time spent? Social media naysayers argue "there are no likes in my bank account." If you are spending valuable time on social media channels such as LinkedIn & Twitter, I encourage putting together a system of accountability in place to measure ROI. On today's show we'll spend time with Valarie Sparks discussing a social selling strategy to generate new leads and keep current clients engaged. The end result will be getting in front of decision makers faster and existing clients calling you, instead of the competition. Valarie Sparks recently left a successful 13-year corporate sales and operations management career to start a social selling training consulting business. She is a top producing sales professional first, and a marketer second. Her social selling techniques ensure ROI on precious time spent via social media channels such as LinkedIn and Twitter. Using actual examples that made her successful, Valarie trains how to best utilize such sites for lead generation and continuous client engagement. Valarie is eager to share her secrets of social selling success with business owners and corporate sales teams.