Secrets of Peak Productivity

Accelerate Your Business Growth show

Summary: Overwhelmed by endless to-do lists? Drowning in floods of email? Stressed out by the pressure to do more with less, and do it faster? For more and more people in our constantly-connected, fiercely competitive world, the answers are: YES, YES, and HELP!                                                                            Certified Professional Organizer (CPO®) Tamara Myles has developed a system that makes increasing personal productivity at work—and beyond—within easy reach of everyone and adaptable to anyone’s specific circumstances and style. She'll join us to share her ideas. Myles is a productivity consultant for individual and corporate clients, including Anytime Fitness and Best Buy. Prior to launching her own business, she was an advertising executive, managing projects for Cover Girl, Adidas, Sony Electronics, and many more prestigious brands. Today’s show is sponsored by and Clarity of Course Sales Training Program. is a leading provider of spoken audio entertainment and information. Get a free book when you sign up for a 30-day free trial at The Clarity of Course sales training program provides small business owners and sales professionals a step by step process for creating a sales plan they’ll follow.