The Power of Bench Strength for Business Growth

Accelerate Your Business Growth show

Summary: Bench strength is something that can make or break an organization. It is worthwhile to make sure you have the right people in the right positions so everyone is maximizing their skills. Stacy Feiner, PsyD joins us to share her insights into this very important aspect of business growth. Dr. Stacy Feiner is an executive coach for the middle market, and the author of Talent Mindset: The Business Owner’s Guide to Building Bench Strength. Stacy brings psychological strategies to business owners that help them improve their performance and advance their organizations. Her methodology addresses complex dynamics within owner-operated companies, family businesses, management teams and boards. She coaches business owners on how to solve people-problems that clear for driving strategy, growing profitability and eventually transitioning to the next generation. Stacy earned her doctorate in clinical psychology from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology, MS from Northeastern University, and BA from Hobart & William Smith Colleges. She lived and worked in Asia and was an SEC registered financial advisor. Stacy is a licensed psychologist, executive coach, author and national speaker.  Today’s sponsor is, a leading provider of spoken audio entertainment and information. Listen to audiobooks whenever and wherever you want. Get a free book when you sign up for a 30-day free trial at