WTFFF 163: Shapeways Top 10 Most Purchased Products of 2015

WTFFF?! 3D Printing Podcast: 3D Print Tips | 3D Print Tools | 3D Start Point show

Summary: <br> Shapeways recently published a report on its top 10 most purchased products of 2015. In<br> this WTFFF?! episode Tom and <br> Tracy run down the top 10, and discuss what the most purchased products tells us about the customers who shop at Shapeways. Has the market tipped with mainstream consumers shopping in this marketplace, or is it still dominated by the 3D converted?<br> <br> To send us a voicemail, go to <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a> or shoot us a message at or on our <a href="">facebook </a>or <a href="">twitter</a>! Its absolutely free, so ask away and and don’t forget to subscribe so you can hear more on our regularly scheduled Thursday podcast episodes!<br> <br>