Christian-Devotions-SPEAK-UP with Suzie Benforado

Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! show

Summary: Suzie Benforado has been a missionary for over 25 years, (in Romania since 1990.) She's been involved in many different exciting ministries and seen God do so many amazing things. But quite honestly, nothing compares to what has been happening for the last years.   "Before starting in this new ministry, I could have never imagined myself involved with a church planting effort. But now, I bit down the road, it seems to me that everything that I've ever done in my Christian life and as a missionary was preparing me for this time and this place. This is such an amazing feeling... knowing I am here for such a time as this."   Her journey has been marked by many amazing demonstrations of God's power-- healings, deliverances, and salvations.Join in and listen to how God is changing the world one soul at a time.