Christian Devotions Speak UP with Ken Smith

Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! show

Summary: Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! August 24 – Ken Smith 6:00 p.m. EST Join us this week on Christian Devotions SPEAK UP! when host Scott McCausey interviews Ken Smith from Canada Church Growth. Ken and his wife Barb started their journey into Canada when he saw an ad from Christian Standard, looking for a minister in Outlook, Saskatchewan Canada. They visited the small church and were convicted to see if they could raise the required monies needed to sustain their family through this move. Thirty days later, they were on their way to a new church, a new country, and a new mission to plant churches in Canada. Tune in to Speak UP! and discover the journey that Ken and his family embarked on and how God led them to plant churches and bridge the gap between our neighboring country. If you would like more information on Canada Church Growth, contact Ken at and add Canada Church Growth to the subject line. This show will be pre-recorded but listeners are encouraged to call-in towards the end of the program.