Intervertebral Disc Injuries In Dogs - Alot More Than Just A Bad Back

The Space Coast Pet Podcast show

Summary: Dr. Roger and Dr. Karen talk in detail about their experiences with the very common injury of spinal intervertebral disc disease in dogs.  Canine intervertebral disc disease occurs when one or more cartilaginous discs in the spine herniate and cause pressure on the spinal cord and/or spinal nerve root signatures.  The result is (often severe) pain and sometimes concurrent motor-neuro deficits in the rear limbs.  Severe cases can result in paralysis of the rear limbs and loss of bowel and urine control.  Our co-hosts discuss breed predispositions, treatment options, and share their own experiences in intervertebral disc disease case management.  E-mail questions or comments to be chosen to be addressed on the air to  For more content from Dr. Karen Louis and Dr. Roger Welton, visit their respective blogs at and Web-DVM.Net.