His 5 Loves – Episode 26

The Catholic Man Show show

Summary: <h1>The Catholic Man Show</h1> <p>This week Adam and David one of the manliest followers of Christ to ever walk on this earth – St. Pope John Paul II. We get to enjoy a new beverage that was given to us by our friend Vincent Lafayette – Eagle Rare.  We talk about the importance of sacramentals and the brown scapluar of Mt. Carmel. <a href="http://www.stmichaelradio.com/2014/11/21/book-review-saint-john-paul-the-great-his-five-loves-by-jason-evert/" target="_blank">The topic is focused on JP2’s 5 loves, which is a book written by Jason Evert.</a> The Catholic Man Show t-shirts and bumper stickers are now in! You will be able to get them from our website very soon! Make sure you join the Friend of the Show Club and receive our monthly newsletter, exclusive content, and you get access to a private Catholic Man Show Facebook group. Email us at thecatholicmanshow@stmichaelradio.com to get into The Friend of the Show Club.  Also, if you haven’t already check out <a href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5MhmMZZhEnrapVYUIkFHLg" target="_blank">The Catholic Man Show Youtube Channel!</a> We would love to hear from you so reach out to us on our Facebook page! We are on the Lord’s team. The winning side. So raise your glass! Cheers to Jesus!</p> <p>Man Drink: Eagle Rare<br> Man Gear: Brown Scapular</p> <div class="uiScaledImageContainer _517g"></div> <p><a id="u_0_25" class="_4-eo _2t9n _50z9" href="https://www.facebook.com/thecatholicmanshow/photos/a.1760750347477616.1073741828.1758346711051313/1853339341552049/?type=3" rel="theater"></a>Man Topic: St. Pope John Paul II</p> <p><img class="scaledImageFitWidth img alignleft" src="https://scontent-dft4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/p960x960/14692111_1853339341552049_3284543511643695341_o.jpg" alt="Image may contain: 2 people , people smiling" width="476" height="476">The Catholic Man Show is hosted by Adam Minihan and David Niles from Tulsa, OK. They provide a raw, comical, and insightful conversation about ways Catholic men should live their lives in a secular world.   Feel free to check out our website on <a href="http://www.stmichaelradio.com/show/catholic-man-show/" target="_blank">St. Michael Catholic Radio</a> or see our podcasts on <a href="http://www.breadboxmedia.com/the-catholic-man-show.html" target="_blank">Breadbox Media</a>. #CheerstoJesus <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-8399" src="http://s3.amazonaws.com/wordpress-1725408034581029/wp-content/uploads/sites/36/2016/10/27181113/bumper-stickers.jpg" alt="bumper-stickers" width="1080" height="882"></p>