#110: How to Find Your Identity in Jesus.

Java with Juli show

Summary: <p>On this episode of Java with Juli, Dr. Juli Slattery is joined by Yvette Maher and author Heather Holleman. They candidly discuss some of the insecurities they have struggled with, and how the time they spent striving for perfection and self-promotion only led them into loneliness and jealousy. But there is good news! Scripture tells us that as God’s beloved, we are seated with Christ in the heavens, treasured by Him, and given a place at His table. Knowing who you are in Jesus is the key to freedom –freedom from shame, envy, and the pursuit of perfection. Listen in to hear a beautiful word picture of what it means to be “Seated with Christ.”<br> <br> Guests: Heather Holleman and Yvette Maher</p>