How to Talk About Boundaries In A Relationship + What To Do When You Don't Agree

Love is like a plant show

Summary: In this week's episode, we are talking about why boundaries are important in relationships and what to do when your ideas of what's OK/what's not OK in a relationship don't align. We also share the key to talking about boundaries so that it brings you closer together, not further apart - even when the topic is uncomfortable (think: porn, strippers, etc). If you like this episode be sure to subscribe and share with your friends! Our theme song was composed by Booker Hill Music ( What do you think love is like? Let us know @loveislikaplant #loveislikea Elle is offering a special 20% off discount on all Mend Classes for LILAP listeners! To redeem, use the code PLANT, when you check out at: Happy Mending!