#25: The Two Michael Sams. (December 11 2014)

PostBourgie show

Summary: Michael Sam made history this year when he became the first openly gay player drafted into the NFL — or any of America's major pro sports, for that matter. In the sports media, his estrangement from his family was characterized as simple homophobia. But when Joel went down to Texas to track down the Sam family for BuzzFeed, he found out that the picture was much more complicated. <img src="http://feedpress.me/10361/745098.gif" height="1" width="1">  <br><hr><p style="color: grey;">See <a style="color: grey;" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="https://acast.com/privacy">acast.com/privacy</a> for privacy and opt-out information.</p>