Episode 62 – Freaky Finishing Techniques

360 with 360 WoodWorking Podcast show

Summary: <a href="http://360woodworking.com/app/uploads/2015/06/1411.jpg"></a>In this episode of 360 with 360WoodWorking, the 360 guys discuss their favorite oddball, or freaky, finishing techniques. And while their both ending up with similar results, their methodologies differ greatly. See which one does a whole lot of extra work and if it’s worth the effort.<br> Join the guys twice each week for six lively minutes of discussion on everything from tools to techniques to wood selection (and more). Chuck &amp; Glen, and sometimes a surprise guest, all have their own opinions. Sometimes they agree and sometimes they don’t, but the conversation is always information packed and lots of fun.<br> If you have topics you’d like to hear covered in future episodes, click <a href="mailto:360@360woodworking.com">here</a> to send an email to the guys.<br>