13118 Mozart: Apollo et Hyacinthus

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Summary: After a notable success in many areas of Europe, young 11-year old Mozart, was commissioned to compose a piece for the Benedictine University in his hometown of Salzburg.  Mozart’s father, Leopold, was a notable name at the university, as many of his pupils were enrolled in the university high school. Theater played a large role in the curriculum in the high school. Mozart’s first encounter with the university was at the age of 5 when he appeared as an extra in a Latin drama.  Though Mozart was often involved with the university, he was never enrolled as a student. “Apollo and Hyacinthus” was part of a much larger 5-part work, which has continually caused a debate as to whether this work can be considered Mozart’s first operatic work.  Unlike the earlier “Obligation to the First Commandment” this work does contain all the components of a true opera, including a chorus.  However, also like “Obligation,” young Mozart was not the sole composer of the entire work which was worked on by several students.  Also, like “Obligation,” only Mozart’s contribution to this production has survived through the years. Also, worthy of note, this opera was never cataloged by Leopold until after Mozart’s death, when his sister Marianne, entered the work into Leopold’s catalog of his son’s early works and gave the work a name. This opera was performed only once during Mozart’s lifetime. This performance by the CMD Philharmonic and Chorus is conducted by Dominique Beaulieu and is available now at ClassicalRecordings.co