EB116 – Eli Ben-Sasson: Zero Knowledge Proofs

Epicenter – Podcast on Blockchain, Ethereum, Bitcoin and Distributed Technologies show

Summary: Support the show, consider donating: 1HegW9VsiMn9BUWdcV6kNS1eTAWjKPKtYe (http://bit.ly/1SWCP5T) Zero Knowledge Proofs are methods of providing cryptographic proofs to another party while keeping some information secret. The simple concept of ZKP offer tantalizing possibilities: Banks could prove solvency without revealing depositors. Governments could prove the fairness of an election without compromising privacy. Computer science professor Eli Ben-Sasson joined us to discuss where blockchains and cryptocurrencies intersect with Zero Knowledge Proofs and related technologies such as zkSNARKs. It offered a fascinating view into what will surely become a core part of blockchain tech in the future. Topics covered included: - What are proof systems? - Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) and other terminology such as SNARKs and zkSNARKs - The mechanics of Zero Knowledge Proofs - The role of performance in Zero Knowledge Proofs - Applications of ZKPs - The widespread potential impact of ZKP to verify processes Links mentioned in this episode: - Eli Ben-Sasson's Website http://bit.ly/1PbbK9O - SNARKs for C talk by Madars Virza http://bit.ly/1PQFoah - Stackexchange: What are SNARKs http://bit.ly/1UEcqbq - SNARKs for C paper [PDF] http://bit.ly/20Cse26 - Zerocash Talk http://bit.ly/1Puy2He Sponsors: - Hide.me: Protect your privacy and personal data with a free VPN account at Hide.me/epicenter Show notes: http://epicenterbitcoin.com/podcast/116 YouTube: https://youtu.be/1GTRfZ0m7M8 SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/epicenterbitcoin/eb-116 Epicenter Bitcoin is hosted by Brian Fabian Crain, Sébastien Couture & Meher Roy. - Visit our website: http://epicenterbitcoin.com - Subscribe to our newsletter: http://epicenterbitcoin.com/newsletter - Twitter: http://twitter.com/epicenterbtc