Emojis + Hieroglyphics = Universal Language?

This Anthro Life show

Summary: Will Emojis be the death of writing? Are emojis modern day hieroglyphs? Is the increased use of emojis in textual conversations a sign of the end of language as we know it? In our first episode of the New Year we discuss the origin of emojis as well as the importance of actively seeking to understand the hidden biases of language. <br> Check out our <a href="http://thisanthrolife.com/?feed-stats-url=aHR0cDovL3RoaXNhbnRocm9saWZlLmNvbS93aGF0cy15b3VyLXN0b3J5&amp;feed-stats-url-post-id=2061">What’s Your Story</a> page to tell us what you would like us to discuss in our next episode!<br> <br> What is an Emoji?