Homemade sex toys! Plus Britney, Paris Jackson, Star Wars, Logan, RIP Mary Tyler Moore

The RichyRich and Westopher Show show

Summary: Episode 59! We want to know: Have you ever used a homemade sex toy? Up Front: RIP news legend Bonnie Tiegel. 4 Emmy Awards. RIP Mary Tyler Moore. Travel ban. Celebrity Shade: Britney Ever After. Paris Jackson Rolling Stone interview. Razzies: BvS, Zoolander2. Need News: Star Wars VIII official title: The Last Jedi. Jason Momoa hid being Aquaman for 5 years. Logan will be rated R - final movie Hugh Jackman will play the role that made him famous. Hate Wes - People that don't get it. RichyRich - World Ventures. Love Wes - Bonnie T RichyRich - World Ventures.