DDOCast 461 - UI Tips

DDOcast show

Summary: This week we go in depth on things you can do with your game UI! Cordovan, Evennote & Patrick share all their tips and then we talk about Update 34 and Reaper Mode! Have thoughts on this show, ideas for round table topics, questions youd like us to answer, or topics youd like to see us debate? Leave us a comment, send us an email (ddocast@gmail.com) or give us a tweet (@ddocast)! Check out www.ddocast.com for mp3 audio, our show calendar, swag, archives, and more! Want to support the show? You can feed the kobolds (give money) on our Patreon page (https://www.patreon.com/DDOCast)! We use these gifts to support the show and give out prizes. UI Tips - 5:47 Game News - 1:02:09 Community News - 1:39:43 Closing - 1:46:23 Watch shows live at twitch.tv/ddocast DDOCast 2016 End of Year Survey - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSefQSOwCwvgqfsln01klkb5e0vk2rYp07QdJQVJ2njKgjw47A/viewform DDO Chronicle 222 - https://www.ddo.com/en/news/ddo-chronicle-issue-222 Lammania U34 Updated Release Notes - https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/438926-Lamannia-Release-Notes-(Last-Updated-1-24-17) VIP Free Gift - https://www.ddo.com/en/vipfreegift DDO Gamer: Producers Letter Reaction - http://www.gamergeoff.com/now-that-is-more-like-it-the-new-producers-letter/ DDO Gamer: Producers Letter Reaction Continued - http://www.gamergeoff.com/producers-letter-again-day-two-it-is-just-that-good/ Gear Set Planning Application Updated - https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/479433-Gear-Set-Planner-Application